We believe God has optimally positioned us to be a place from which the good news of Jesus can reach into our region. It is our firm conviction that the largest opportunities for evangelism exist where discipleship to Jesus and relationship with the community intersect. Our campus sits at this intersection both literally and figuratively.
This fall marks the start of the first of this endeavor. Specifically, we want to Gather, Guide, and sacrificially Give to make the good news of Jesus more clear and more accessible to the Young Adults/Professionals who reside and work around us. Together we have an opportunity over the next three years to lay a foundation that can shape a decade of ministry.
Everyone on 3!
Yes, I want to join the journey. Count me in!
As we look at the history of Grace Church, we see God’s incredible faithfulness over the years. We believe God has called us collectively to plant 30 churches in 30 years. As part of this vision, the Town Center Campus joined the movement of Grace Church in 2017 as a revitalization partnership. Through the prayers and efforts of many former and present people, a significant foundation was laid for the future.
As we approach fall of 2022, we continue to grow both spiritually and numerically. We believe the timing is right to chart a course for our own first chapter of 30in30 called EVERYONE ON THREE. We want to collectively focus our efforts in three ways over three years in the lives of young adults/professionals in our community for the purpose of future followers of Jesus. We believe this lens fits the unique calling in our time and place today and see this focus as simply a start of future steps toward campusing.

“We want to stand with young adults in the difficult intersections of life.”
Why Young Adults?
What if we told you there was a country whose people possesses a 4-6% biblical world view? Could you guess it? You probably have a few ideas; but wherever it is, as a follower of Jesus you’re probably hoping someone will go there. It just so happens YOU might be there already, because that country is 20–30 yr-old young adults in the USA.
What Intersections?
More than 85% of 20-30yr old young adults report feeling:
• Confused / Disoriented Spiritually
• Starving Relationally
• Hurting Emotionally
• Lacking Family
• Stranded Practically
Why Our Campus?
As the only church within the Town Center Improvement District we believe God has placed our campus at an intersection in our community for this very reason. 48% of our surrounding area is comprised of 18-35 yr olds.
We actually think that, for us, the great commission and the second greatest commandment can be one in the same.
[Matt 28:18-19; Matt 22:37-40]

Every day when the weather allows, our budget/broken basketball goals are in use. We possess the only free open “court” in a five mile radius. We want to maximize this by providing a quality basketball experience for community connection and discipleship.
- Commercial grade basketball hoops
- Regular pick-up game w/ Core
- Painted lines and 1/2 court markings
- Seating/signage

The parking lot has proven to be a place that people will hang out provided the right conditions and environments are in place. From bounce houses to waterslides, fire pits to movie nights, we’ve done a lot over the years. We want to maximize this by making a permanent part of our property dedicated to this purpose.
- Roll-up garage door on front face of build- ing
- Deck or patio with outdoor lights and seating
- Fire pit to gather around
- Dedicated area for yard games

Coffee is a catalyst for community and con- versation. We want to harness that at our campus. We want to create a physical coffee partnership for the purpose of expanding discipleship into the lives of young adults and our community. We desire to establish an outward facing environment on the campus of Grace Church that will serve as a front porch to our community each day of the week.
- people on campus during the week
- meeting location for groups and growth
- community connection
The greatest need to fuel and sustain the movement of the church is not more money or programs, but more and more equipped and engaged workers and leaders. During the next three years, we intend to direct substantial energy and resources to the continued growth and development and discipleship.
A large tangible need of young adults is mental health. We want to expand our ability to help spiritually process past and present struggles by adding a dedicated pastoral care position. This would allow us to receive counseling requests while countinuing to work with professional partners.
With the addition of new opportunities and relationships, we need someone whose primary role is to connect, train, and multiply biblical community. We want to identify and fund a “Live It” resident for a three-year term. Our ressident program exists to develop young adult leaders and offers a fully accredited graduate ministry degree. This is a great opportunity for a new leader to get experience at our campus while being trained for full-time pastoral ministry.
It’s easy to take for granted the experience that we gain from daily life. Automotive, technology, writing, and financial are a few examples of areas in which we can help pass on life skills. We want to creat ways for young adults to learn pracitcal abilities in the context of life-giving biblical community.

Biblical community models what it means to own the mission and vision of Jesus and give it away to others. As part of our three-year vision we’re challenging people to engage in a Core intergenerationally. Young adults, families and older believers all need one another to grow and reflect Jesus.

While we don’t know specifics, we do know that in the future we will need a second service to make room for new relationships. A time that is both accessible to young adults and serves families will require additional volunteers.

The generosity of the people of Grace sets the pace for what we can say yes to as a campus. We’re calling every disciple of Jesus to consider how they can sacrifically invest their time, talent, and resources for the live of young adults.
Percentage of adults currently in a core community
Percentage of adults currently serving
In September 2022, the Town Center Campus is gathering together and making three-year financial commitments to EVERYONE ON THREE. These commitments are prayerfully and carefully considered. If you have not yet connected to EVERYONE ON THREE, we invite you in this same way to prayerfully consider joining us on this journey.


Fill out an offering envelope during service (specify EVERYONE ON THREE.) and drop it in the white boxes when you exit the Auditorium.
For checks, please be sure to specify EVERYONE ON THREE. on the memo line.

If you are interested in exploring alternative giving options (such as stock donations or matching gifts), our finance department can help make the arrangements.
Contact Monika Kirbawy at mkirbawy@graceohio.org.
Percentage of Goal Pledged
Our goal is to raise $220,000 to fully fund the three areas in EO3.
Each of our areas can be scaled according to the generosity of the church. If we raise more, we will be able to allocate more to each area. Likewise, the projects can be scaled down to be good stewards of our resources.
Our goal amount is over and above our annual operating budget. Together we are seeking to raise an additional 220k over three years.
While we recognize that nothing financial is certain, we will continue to call our campus toward initiatives that lead with evangelism and have eternal significance.